5.11 Miscellaneous Propagators


{FD.plus $D1 $D2 $D3}

D3 is the sum of D1 and D2. The propagator constrains its arguments as D1+D2=:D3.


{FD.plusD $D1 $D2 $D3}

D3 is the sum of D1 and D2. The propagator constrains its arguments as D1+D2=:D3.

Does domain propagation, which can be very expensive.


{FD.minus $D1 $D2 $D3}

D3 is the difference between D1 and D2. The propagator constrains its arguments as D1-D2=:D3.


{FD.minusD $D1 $D2 $D3}

D3 is the difference between D1 and D2. The propagator constrains its arguments as D1-D2=:D3.

Does domain propagation, which can be very expensive.


{FD.times $D1 $D2 $D3}

D3 is the product of D1 and D2. Coreferences are exploited. If the store entails D1 = D3, the propagator ceases to exist and the constraint D2=1 is imposed. If the store entails D2 = D3, the propagator ceases to exist and the constraint D1=1 is imposed. If the store entails D1 = D2, the propagator ceases to exist and a propagator is imposed instead, which constrains the variables D1 and D2 as follows.

\underline{{\tt D1}}^2 \leq {\tt D3} \leq \overline{{\tt D1}}^2 \quad\quad
\lceil \sqrt{\underline{{\tt D3}}} \rceil \leq {\tt D1} \leq \lfloor
\sqrt{\overline{{\tt D3}}} \rfloor

For notation see Section 5.7n.


{FD.timesD $D1 $D2 $D3}

D3 is the product of D1 and D2.

Does domain propagation, which can be very expensive.


{FD.power $D1 +I $D2}

$D2 is the result of D1 raised to the power of I, i. e. {\tt D1}^{{\tt I}} = {\tt D2}. The propagator constrains the variables D1 and D2 as follows.

\underline{{\tt D1}}^{{\tt I}} \leq {\tt D2} \leq \overline{{\tt D1}}^{{\tt I}}
\lceil \sqrt[{\tt D2}]{\underline{{\tt D1}}} \rceil \leq {\tt D2} \leq \lfloor
\sqrt[{\tt D2}]{\overline{{\tt D1}}} \rfloor

For notation see  Section 5.7.


{FD.divI $D1 +I $D2}

D2 is the result of the integer division of D1 by I.

A domain bound is discarded from the domain of one variable, if there is no value between the lower and upper bound of the domain of the other variable, such that the constraint holds. Additionally, if {\tt D1}={\tt D2}, the propagator is replaced by I=1.


{FD.modI $D1 +I $D2}

D2 is the result of D1 modulus I.

A domain bound is discarded from the domain of one variable, if there is no value between the lower and upper bound of the domain of the other variable, such that the constraint holds. Additionally, if {\tt D1}={\tt D2}, the propagator is replaced by D1<:I. If the current upper bound of D1 is less than I, the propagator is replaced by D1=D2.


{FD.divD $D1 +I $D2}

D2 is the result of the integer division of D1 by I.

Does domain propagation, which can be very expensive.


{FD.modD $D1 +I $D2}

D2 is the result of D1 modulus I.

Does domain propagation, which can be very expensive.


{FD.max $D1 $D2 $D3}

D3 is the maximum of D1 and D2.

Its operational semantics is defined through

D3>=:D1   D3>=:D2
condis D3=<:D1
[] D3=<:D2
if D1=D2 then D3=D1
else skip 


{FD.min $D1 $D2 $D3}

D3 is the minimum of D1 and D2. Its operational semantics is defined through

D3=<:D1   D3=<:D2
condis D3>=:D1
[] D3>=:D2
if D1=D2 then D3=D1
else skip 


{FD.distance *D1 *D2 +A *D3}

creates a propagator for |~{\tt D1}-{\tt D2}~|\;\sim_{{\tt A}}\;{\tt D3}. May cut holes into domains. For example,

{FD.dom 0#10 [X Y]}
{FD.distance X Y '>:' 8}

will reduce the domains of X and Y to \{0,1,9,10\}.

The propagator is equivalent to {FD.sumAC [1 ~1] [D1 D2] A D3} but is more efficient.


{FD.less *D1 *D2}

Equivalent to D1<:D2.


{FD.lesseq *D1 *D2}

Equivalent to D1 =<: D2.


{FD.greater *D1 *D2}

Equivalent to D1>:D2.


{FD.greatereq *D1 *D2}

Equivalent to D1>=:D2.


{FD.disjoint *D1 +I1 *D2 +I2}

creates a propagator for {\tt D1}+{\tt I1}\leq{\tt D2} \;\vee\; {\tt D2}+{\tt I2}\leq{\tt D1}. May cut holes into domains. For example,

{FD.dom 0#10 [X Y]}
{FD.disjoint X 9 Y 9}

will reduce the domains of X and Y to \{0,1,9,10\}.

Its operational semantics is defined through

condis D1 + I1 =<: D2
[] D2 + I2 =<: D1


{FD.disjointC *D1 +I1 *D2 +I2 D3}

creates a propagator for

(({\tt D1}+{\tt I1}\leq{\tt D2} \wedge {\tt D3}=0) \;\vee\;({\tt D2}+{\tt I2}\leq{\tt D1} \wedge {\tt D3}=1)) \;\wedge\; ({\tt D3}\in\{0,1\}).

Its operational semantics is defined through

condis D1 + I1 =<: D2    
   D3 =: 0
[] D2 + I2 =<: D1
   D3 =: 1


{FD.tasksOverlap *D1 +I1 *D2 +I2 D3}

creates a propagator for

(({\tt D1}+{\tt I1}>{\tt D2} \;\wedge\; {\tt D2}+{\tt I2}>{\tt D1} \;\wedge \; {\tt D3}=1) \;\vee\; ({\tt D1}+{\tt I1}\leq{\tt D2} \;\wedge\; {\tt D3}=0) \;\vee\;({\tt D2}+{\tt I2}\leq{\tt D1} \;\wedge\; {\tt D3}=0)) \;\wedge\; ({\tt D3}\in\{0,1\}).

Its operational semantics is defined through

   D1 + I1 >: D2    
   D2 + I2 >: D1
   D3 =: 1
   D1 + I1 =<: D2    
   D3 =: 0
   D2 + I2 =<: D1
   D3 =: 0

Note that the disjunction is constructive. Informally, in case D3 is 0 the propagator behaves like FD.disjoint, i.e., in context of task scheduling two tasks must not overlap. Otherwise, if D3 is 1, the two tasks must overlap. This propagator is used in applications which shall be able to deal with overlapping tasks.

Denys Duchier, Leif Kornstaedt, Martin Homik, Tobias Müller, Christian Schulte and Peter Van Roy
Version 1.4.0 (20080702)