3 Browser Commands and Options

The meanings of the menu entries of the Browser are summarized in this section.

3.1 The Browser Menu


Displays a small dialog containg information about the product.


Stops browsing as soon as possible.

Right mouse click

Deselects the current selection, if any.


Removes all browsed information from the Browser window, if any.

Clear All But LastC-w

Removes all browsed information from the Browser window except the last term, if any.

Refine LayoutC-l

Checks the current term layout and optimizes it whenever possible.


Closes the Browser.

3.2 The Selection Menu

Left mouse double-click

Replaces the selected shrunken (sub)term ,,, by a subterm(s), or views further subterm(s) of a partially shown selected (sub)term.

Right mouse double-click

Shrinks the selected (sub)term.

Middle mouse click

If a reference (RN or CN) subterm is selected, the Browser exposes and selects the referenced (sub)term.


Removes and creates again a selected (sub)term.


Shows a submemu an action can be choosen from.

Apply ActionC-p
Middle mouse click

Applies the currently set action to the current selection, if any.

3.3 The Options Menu


Creates a dialog used for setting the buffer size. and enabling drawing a graphical separator between shown terms.


Creates a dialog used for setting the representation mode (building Tree, Graph or Minimal Graph), detail level (for Chunks, Variable Status and Names And Procedures), and type (displaying Strings or Virtual Strings as such).

Display Parameters...

Creates a dialog used for setting the browse limits (Depth and Width) and the expansion increments (also Depth and Width).


Creates a dialog used for setting a font to be used (Font Size and whether it should be Bold), as well as setting Browser to show record subterms in one column if they don't fit in one row (that is, to Align
Record Fields

Konstantin Popov
Version 1.4.0 (20080702)