28.1 Tickles

Tickles are Oz values used to communicate with the graphics engine. The graphics engine receives and executes tickles. The graphics engine is implemented in Tcl/Tk (see [Ous94]). In order to execute tickles the graphics engine first translates tickles into strings. This section defines tickles, defines how tickles are translated into strings, and presents the Oz procedures to send tickles.

28.1.1 Syntax

The set of tickles contains virtual strings, boolean values, and so-called tickle-objects. A tickle-object is an object which is created from a class the Tk module provides for (all classes but Tk.listener). Roughly spoken, the set of tickles is closed under record construction, where only records are allowed which do not contain names as features or as label. Proper records with the labels v, b, #, and | are special cases. Examples for tickles can be found in Section 3.2 of ``Window Programming in Mozart''.

fun {IsTcl X}
   {IsBool X} orelse {IsUnit X} orelse 
   {IsVirtualString X} orelse  
   {IsTclObject X} orelse 
   {IsRecord X} andthen  
   {Not {Some {Arity X} IsName}} andthen 
   {Not {IsName {Label X}}} andthen 
   case {Label X}
   of  v  then {Arity X}==[1] andthen {IsVirtualString X.1}
   []  b  then {Arity X}==[1] andthen {All X.1 IsTcl}
   []  c  then {Arity X}==[1 2 3] andthen  
               {All X fun {$ I} I>=andthen I<=255 end}
   [] '#' then false 
   [] '|' then false 
   else {Record.all X IsTcl}

Figure 28.1: Procedure IsTcl tests whether a value is tickle.

The exact definition of a tickle is given by the procedure IsTcl which is shown in Figure 28.1. The procedure IsTcl returns true, if and only if X is a tickle. Otherwise false is returned. The procedure IsTclObject tests whether an object is a tickle-object. Note that records which have the labels # and | are treated as virtual strings. Note that IsTcl and the following procedures serve as specification, the graphics engine itself employs well optimized routines instead.

28.1.2 Translation to Virtual Strings

The translation of a tickle into a virtual string that then by the graphics agent is interpreted as a tcl command is shown in Figure 28.2. The used help routines are shown in Figure 28.3.

   fun {FieldToV AI Tcl}
      if {IsInt AI} then '' else '-'#{Quote AI}#' ' end # {TclToV Tcl}
   fun {RecordToV R AIs}
      {FoldR AIs fun {$ AI V}
                    {FieldToV AI R.AI} # ' ' # V
                 end ''}
   fun {TclToV Tcl}
      if {IsBool Tcl} then case Tcl then 0 else 1 end 
      elseif {IsUnit Tcl} then '' 
      elseif {IsVirtualString Tcl} then {Quote Tcl}
      elseif {IsTclObject Tcl} then {TclObjectToV Tcl}
        case {Label Tcl}
        of o then {RecordToV Tcl {Arity Tcl}}
        [] p then AI|AIs={Arity Tcl} in 
           '{'#{FieldToV AI Tcl.AI}#'.'#{RecordToV Tcl AIs}#'}' 
        [] b then {FoldR Tcl.fun {$ Tcl V}  
                                  {TclToV Tcl}#' '#V
                               end ''}
        [] c then '#'#{Hex Tcl.1}#{Hex Tcl.2}#{Hex Tcl.3}
        [] v then Tcl.1
        [] s then '"'#{RecordToV Tcl {Arity Tcl}}#'"' 
        [] l then '['#{RecordToV Tcl {Arity Tcl}}#']' 
        [] q then '{'#{RecordToV Tcl {Arity Tcl}}#'}' 
        else {Quote {Label Tcl}}#' '#{RecordToV Tcl {Arity Tcl}}

Figure 28.2: Procedure TclToV translates a tickle into a virtual string.

<Definition of Octal>=
fun {Octal I}
   [&\\ (I div 64 + &0) ((I mod 64) div 8 + &0) (I mod 8 + &0)]

<Definition of Quote>=
fun {Quote V}
   case {VirtualString.toString V} of nil then "\"\"" 
   [] S then 
      {FoldR S fun {$ I Ir}
                  if {Member I "{}[]\\$\";"then &\\|I|Ir
                  elseif I<33 orelse I>127 then {Append {Octal I} Ir}
                  else I|Ir
               end nil}

<Definition of Hex>=
   fun {HexDigit I}
      I + if I>then &a-10 else &0 end 
   fun {Hex I}
      [{HexDigit I div 16} {HexDigit I mod 16}]

Figure 28.3: Help routines to translate a tickle into a virtual string.

28.1.3 Sending Tickles

Tickles can be send to the graphics engine with the following procedures. The graphics engine processes tickles in batches: it reads a batch of tickles and executes it. If no further batch can be read currently, it updates the graphics. After having updated the graphics, it checks whether user events are to be processed.

The Oz procedures to send tickles are asynchronous and preserve order: all tickles are processed in the same order they are send in. However, after the procedure has been executed, the graphics engine might not yet have executed the tickle.


{Tk.send +Tcl}

Sends +Tcl to the graphics engine.


{Tk.batch +TclS}

Sends a list of list of tickles +TclS to the graphics engine. It is guaranteed that the graphics engine processes all tickles in TclS in a single batch.

28.1.4 Sending Tickles and Returning Values

In the same way as sending tickles to graphics engine, the engine can asynchronously send back return values which are strings. The following procedures send tickles and return the values returned by executing the tickles by the graphics engine.


{Tk.returnString +Tcl ?S}

Returns the result of sending and executing +Tcl as string.


{Tk.return +Tcl ?S}

Shortcut for Tk.returnString.


{Tk.returnAtom +Tcl ?A}

Returns the result of sending and executing +Tcl as string.


{Tk.returnInt +Tcl ?IB}

Returns the result of sending and executing +Tcl as integer. If the result does not describe a number false is returned.


{Tk.returnFloat +Tcl ?FB}

Returns the result of sending and executing +Tcl as float. If the result does not describe a number false is returned.


{Tk.returnListString +Tcl ?Ss}

Returns the result of sending and executing +Tcl as list of strings.


{Tk.returnList +Tcl ?Ss}

Shortcut for Tk.returnListString.


{Tk.returnListAtom +Tcl ?ABs}

Returns the result of sending and executing +Tcl as list of atoms. If elements of the list do not form valid atoms, the list contains the element false instead.


{Tk.returnListInt +Tcl ?IBs}

Returns the result of sending and executing +Tcl as list of integers. If elements of the list do not form valid numbers, the list contains the element false instead.


{Tk.returnListFloat +Tcl ?FBs}

Returns the result of sending and executing +Tcl as list of integers. If elements of the list do not form valid numbers, the list contains the element false instead.

Denys Duchier, Leif Kornstaedt, Martin Homik, Tobias Müller, Christian Schulte and Peter Van Roy
Version 1.4.0 (20080702)