5 Basic Control Structures

We have already seen some basic statements in Oz. Introducing new variables and sequencing of statements:

S1   S2

Reiterating again, a thread executes statements in a sequential order. However a thread, contrary to conventional languages, may suspend in some statement, so above, a thread has to complete execution of S1, before starting S2. In fact, S2 may not be executed at all, if an exception is raised in S1.

5.1 skip

The statement skip is the empty statement.

5.2 If Statement

Oz provides a simple form of conditional statement having the following form:

if B then S1 else S2 end

B should be a Boolean value.

5.2.1 Semantics

Comparison Procedures

Oz provides a number of built-in tertiary procedures used for comparison. These include == that we have seen earlier as well as \=, =<, <, >=, and >. Common to these procedures is that they are used as Boolean functions in an infix notation. The following example illustrates the use of an If-statement in conjunction with the greater-than operator >.

In this example Z is bound to the maximum of X and Y, i.e. to Y:

local X Y Z in 
   X = 5 Y = 10
   if X >= Y then Z = X else Z = Y end 

Figure 5.1: Using a if statement

5.2.2 Abbreviations

A statement using the keyword elseif:

if B1 then S1 elseif B2 then S2 else S3 end

is shorthand for nested if-statements:

if B1 then S1 
else if 
B2 then S2  
S3 end 

An if-statement missing the else part:

if B1 then S1 end

is equivalent to:

if B1 then S1 else skip end

5.3 Procedural Abstraction

5.3.1 Procedure Definition

Procedure definition is a primary abstraction in Oz. A procedure can be defined, passed around as argument to another procedure, or stored in a record. A procedure definition is a statement that has the following structure.

proc {P X1 ... Xn} S end

5.3.2 Semantics

Assume that the variable P is already introduced; executing the above statement will:

A procedure in Oz has a unique identity, given by its unique closure, and is distinct from all other procedures. Two procedure definitions are always different, even if they look similar. Procedures are the first Oz values that we encounter, whose equality is based on name equality. Others include threads, cells, and chunks.

5.4 On Lexical Scoping

In general, the statement S in a procedure definition will have many variable occurrences. A variable that occurs textually in a statement is called an identifier to distinguish it from the logic variable that is a data structure created at runtime. Some identifier occurrences in S are syntactically bound while others are free. An identifier occurrence X1 in S is bound if it is in the scope of the procedure formal-parameter X, or is in the scope of a variable introduction statement that introduces X. Otherwise, the identifier occurrence is free. Each free identifier occurrence in a program is eventually bound by the closest textually surrounding identifier-binding construct.

We have already seen how to apply (call) a procedure. Let us now show our first procedure definition. In Figure 5.1, we have seen how to compute the maximum of two numbers or literals. We abstract this code into a procedure.

local Max X Y Z in 
   proc {Max X Y Z}
      if X >= Y then Z = X else Z = Y end 
   X = 5
   Y = 10
   {Max X Y Z} {Browse Z}

5.5 Anonymous Procedures and Variable Initialization

One could ask why a variable is bound to a procedure in a way that is different from it being bound to a record, e.g. X = f(...)? The answer is that what you see is just a syntactic variant of the equivalent form

P = proc {$ X1 ... Xn} S end

The R.H.S. defines an anonymous procedural value. This is equivalent to

proc {P X1 ... Xn} S end

In Oz, we can initialize a variable immediately while it is being introduced by using a variable-initialization equality

X = <Value>


<Record> = <Value>

between local and in, in the statement local ... in ... end. So the previous example could be written as follows, where we also use anonymous procedures.

   Max = proc {$ X Y Z}
             if X >= Y then Z = X
             else Z = Y end 
   X = 5
   Y = 10
   {Max X Y Z} {Browse Z}

Now let us understand variable initialization in more detail. The general rule says that: in a variable-initialization equality, only the variables occurring on the L.H.S. of the equality are the ones being introduced. Consider the following example:

   Y = 1
      M = f(M Y)
      [X1 Y] = L
      L = [1 2]
   in {Browse [M L]} end 

First Y is introduced and initialized in the outer local ... in ... end. Then, in the inner local ... in ... end all variables on the L.H.S. are introduced, i.e. M, Y, X1, and L. Therefore the outer variable Y is invisible in the innermost local ... end statement. The above statement is equivalent to:

local Y in 
   Y = 1
   local M X1 Y L in 
      M = f(M Y)
      L = [X1 Y]
      L = [1 2]
      {Browse [M L]}

If we want Y to denote the variable in the outer scope, we have to suppress the introduction of the inner Y in the L.H.S. of the initializing equality by using an exclamation mark ! as follows. An exclamation mark ! is only meaningful in the L.H.S. of an initializing equality 2.

   Y = 1
      M = f(M Y)
      [X1 !Y] = L
      L = [1 2]
   in {Browse [M L]}

5.6 Pattern Matching

Let us consider a very simple example: insertion of elements in a binary tree. A binary tree is either empty, represented by nil, or is a tuple of the form tree(Key Value TreeL TreeR), where Key is a key of the node with the corresponding value Value, and TreeL is the left subtree having keys less than Key, and TreeR is the right subtree having keys greater than Key. The procedure Insert takes four arguments, three of them are input arguments Key, Value and TreeIn, and one output argument TreeOut to be bound to the resulting tree after insertion.

The program is shown in Figure 5.2. The symbol ? before TreeOut is a voluntary documentation comment denoting that the argument plays the role of an output argument. The procedure works by cases as obvious. First depending on whether the tree is empty or not, and in the latter case depending on a comparison between the key of the node in the tree and the input key. Notice the use of if ... then ... elseif ... else ... end with the obvious meaning.

proc {Insert Key Value TreeIn ?TreeOut}
   if TreeIn == nil then TreeOut = tree(Key Value nil nil)
      local tree(K1 V1 T1 T2) = TreeIn in 
         if Key == K1 then TreeOut = tree(Key Value T1 T2)
         elseif Key < K1 then 
             local T in 
                TreeOut = tree(K1 V1 T T2)
                {Insert Key Value T1 T}
             local T in 
                TreeOut = tree(K1 V1 T1 T)
                {Insert Key Value T2 T}

Figure 5.2: Inserting a node (key and value) in a binary tree

In Figure 5.2, the local variable introduction statement

local tree(K1 V1 T1 T2)= TreeIn in ...

performed implicitly a pattern matching to extract the values of the locally introduced variables K1, V1, T1 and T2.

Oz provides an explicit pattern-matching case statement, which allows implicit introduction of variables in the patterns.

5.6.1 Case Statement

case E of Pattern_1 then S1 
Pattern_2 then S2 
[] ... 
S end

All variables introduced in Pattern_i are implicitly declared, and have a scope stretching over the corresponding Si.

5.6.2 Semantics

Let us assume that expression E is evaluated to V. Executing the case statement will sequentially try to match V against the patterns Pattern_1, Pattern_2, ...,Pattern_n in this order. Matching V against Pattern_i is done in left-to-right depth-first manner.

The else part may be omitted, in which case an exception is raised if all matches fail.

Again, in each pattern one may suppress the introduction of a new local variable by using !. For example, in the following example:

case f(X1 X2) of f(!Y Z) then ... else ... end

X1 is matched is against the value of the external variable Y. Now remember again that the case statement and its executing thread may suspend if X1 is insufficiently instantiated to decide the result of the matching. Having all this said, Figure 5.3 shows the tree-insertion procedure using a matching case-statement. We have also reduced the syntactic nesting by abbreviating:

local T  in 
  TreeOut = tree( ... 
T ... )
  {Insert ... 


T in 
  TreeOut = tree( ... 
T ... )
  {Insert ... 

case for pattern matching
proc {Insert Key Value TreeIn ?TreeOut}
   case TreeIn
   of nil then TreeOut = tree(Key Value nil nil)
   [] tree(K1 V1 T1 T2) then 
      if Key == K1 then TreeOut = tree(Key Value T1 T2)
      elseif Key < K1 then T in 
        TreeOut = tree(K1 V1 T T2)
        {Insert Key Value T1 T}
      else T in 
        TreeOut = tree(K1 V1 T1 T)
        {Insert Key Value T2 T}

Figure 5.3: Tree insertion using case statement

The expression E we may match against, could be any record structure, and not just a variable. This allows multiple argument matching, as shown in Figure 5.4, which expects two sorted lists Xs and Ys and merges them into a sorted list Zs.

proc {SMerge Xs Ys Zs}
   case Xs#Ys
   of nil#Ys then Zs=Ys
   [] Xs#nil then Zs=Xs
   [] (X|Xr) # (Y|Yr) then 
      if X=<then Zr in 
         Zs = X|Zr
         {SMerge Xr Ys Zr}
      else Zr in 
         Zs = Y|Zr
         {SMerge Xs Yr Zr}

Figure 5.4: Merging of two sorted lists

5.7 Nesting

Let us use our Insert procedure as defined in Figure 5.3. The following statement inserts a few nodes in an initially empty tree. Note that we had to introduce a number of intermediate variables to perform our sequence of procedure calls.

local T0 T1 T2 T3 in 
  {Insert seif 43 nil T0}
  {Insert eeva 45 T0 T1}
  {Insert rebecca 20 T1 T2}
  {Insert alex 17 T2 T3}
  {Browse T3}

Oz provides syntactic support for nesting one procedure call inside another statement at an expression position. So, in general:

local Y in 
  {P ... Y ...}
  {Q Y ... }

could be written as:

{Q {P ... $ ...... }

Using $ as a nesting marker, and thereby the variable Y is eliminated. The rule, to revert to the flattened syntax is that, a nested procedure call, inside a procedure call, is moved before the current statement; and a new variable is introduced with one occurrence replacing the nested procedure call, and the other occurrence replacing the nesting marker.

5.7.1 Functional Nesting

Another form of nesting is called functional nesting: a procedure {P X ... R} could be considered as a function; its result is the argument R. Therefore {P X ...} could be considered as a function call that can be inserted in any expression instead of the result argument R. So {Q {P X ... } ... } is equivalent to:

local R in 
   {P X ...  R}
   {Q R ... }

Now back to our example, a more concise form using functional nesting is:

{Browse {Insert alex 17  
         {Insert rebecca 20
          {Insert eeva 45 {Insert seif 43 nil}}}}} 

There is one more rule to remember. It has to do with a nested application inside a record or a tuple as in:

Zs = X|{SMerge Xr Ys}

Here, the nested application goes after the record (or list) construction statement. Therefore, we get

local Zr in 
   Zs = X|Zr
   {SMerge Xr Ys Zr}

Doing so makes many recursive procedures be tail-recursive. Tail-recursive procedures execute with the space efficiency of iterative constructs.

We can now rewrite our SMerge procedure as shown in Figure 5.5, where we use nested application.

proc {SMerge Xs Ys Zs}
   case Xs#Ys
   of nil#Ys then Zs=Ys
   [] Xs#nil then Zs=Xs
   [] (X|Xr) # (Y|Yr) then 
      if X=<then 
         Zs = X|{SMerge Xr Ys}
      else Zr in 
         Zs = Y|{SMerge Xs Yr}

Figure 5.5: Merging two sorted lists written in nested form

5.8 Procedures as Values

Since we have been inserting elements in binary trees, let us define a program that checks if a data structure is actually a binary tree. The procedure BinaryTree shown in Figure 5.6 checks a structure to verify whether it is a binary tree or not, and accordingly returns true or false in its result argument B.

Notice that we also defined the auxiliary local procedure And.

What is a binary tree?
   proc {And B1 B2 ?B}
      if B1 then B = B2 else B = false end 
   proc {BinaryTree T ?B}
      case T
      of nil then B = true 
      [] tree(K V T1 T2) then 
      {And {BinaryTree T1} {BinaryTree T2} B}
      else B = false end 

Figure 5.6: Checking a binary tree

Consider the call {And {BinaryTree T1} {BinaryTree T2} B}. It is certainly doing unnecessary work. According to our nesting rules, it evaluates its second argument even if the first is false. One can fix this problem by making a new procedure AndThen that takes as its first two arguments two procedures, and calls the second procedure only if the first returns false; thus, getting the effect of delaying the evaluation of its arguments until really needed. The procedure is shown Figure 5.7. AndThen is the first example of a higher-order procedure, i.e. a procedure that takes other procedures as arguments, and may return other procedures as results. In our case, AndThen just returns a Boolean value. However, in general, we are going to see other examples where procedures return procedures as result. As in functional languages, higher order procedures are invaluable abstraction devices that help creating generic reusable components.

   proc {AndThen BP1 BP2 ?B}
      if {BP1} then B = {BP2} else B = false end 
   proc {BinaryTree T ?B}
      case T
      of nil then B = true 
      [] tree(K V T1 T2) then 
          proc {$ B1} {BinaryTree T1 B1} end 
          proc {$ B2} {BinaryTree T2 B2} end 
      else B = false end 

Figure 5.7: Checking a binary tree lazily

5.9 Control Abstractions

Higher-order procedures are used in Oz to define various control abstractions. In the modules Control and List as well as many others, you will find many control abstractions. Here are some examples. The procedure {For From To Step P} is an iterator abstraction that applies the unary procedure P (normally saying the procedure P/1 instead) to integers from From to To proceeding in steps Step. Executing {For 1 10 1 Browse} will display the integers 1 2 ... 10.

   proc {HelpPlus C To Step P}
      if C=<To then {P C} {HelpPlus C+Step To Step P} end 
   proc {HelpMinus C To Step P}
      if C>=To then {P C} {HelpMinus C+Step To Step P} end 
in proc {For From To Step P}
      if Step>then {HelpPlus From To Step P}
      else {HelpMinus From To Step P} end 

Figure 5.8: The For iterator

Another control abstraction that is often used is the ForAll/2 iterator defined in the List module. ForAll/2 applies a unary procedure on all the elements of a list, in the order defined by the list. Think what happens if the list is produced incrementally by another concurrent thread? In this case the consumer thread will synchronize on the availability of data on the list. The list behaves as a stream of elements and we automatically get stream communication between threads.

proc {ForAll Xs P}
   case Xs
   of nil then skip 
   [] X|Xr then 
      {P X}
      {ForAll Xr P}

5.10 Exception Handling

Oz incorporates an exception handling mechanism that allows safeguarding programs against exceptional and/or unforeseeable situations at run-time. It is also possible to raise and handle user-defined exceptions.

An exception is any expression E. To raise the exception E, one executes the following statement:

raise E end

Here is a simple example:

proc {Eval E}  
  case E
  of   plus(X Y) then {Browse X+Y}
  []   times(X Y) then {Browse X*Y}
  else raise illFormedExpression(E) end  

The basic exception handling statement is called a try-statement. Its simplest form is:

try S1 catch X then S2 end

Execution of this statement is equivalent to executing S1 if S1 does not raise an exception. If S1 raises an exception E, X gets bound to E and the statement S2 is executed. The variable X is visible in the scope of S2.

A more convenient try statement has the following form:

try S catch 
Pattern_1 then S1 
Pattern_2 then S2 
Pattern_n then Sn 

This is equivalent to:

try S catch X then 
   case X  
Pattern_1 then S1 
Pattern_2 then S2 
Pattern_n then Sn 
   else raise X end end 

Put into words, the Execution of this statement is equivalent to executing S if S does not raise an exception. If S raises exception E and E matches one of the patterns Pattern_i, control is passed to the corresponding statement S_i. If E does not match any pattern the exception is propagated outside the try-statement until eventually caught by the system, which catches all escaping exceptions.

    {ForAll [plus(5 10) times(6 11) min(7 10)] Eval}
   illFormedExpression(X) then {Browse '** '#X#' **'}  

A try-statement may also specify a final statement S_final, which is executed on normal as well as on exceptional exit.

try S catch 
Pattern_1 then S1 
Pattern_2 then S2 
Pattern_n then Sn 

Assume that F3 is an opened file; the procedure Process/1 manipulates the file in some way; and the procedure CloseFile/1 closes the file. The following program ensures that the F is closed upon normal or exceptional exit.

  {Process F}
catch X then {Browse '** '#X#' **'}  
finally {CloseFile F} end               

5.11 System Exceptions

The exceptions raised by the Oz system are records with one of the labels: failure, error, and system.

The following example demonstrates how to catch a failure exception by its label only. This is the recommended method, for it is less dependent on implementation details.

proc {One X} X=1 end 
proc {Two X} X=2 end 
try {One}={Two}
   failure(...then {Show caughtFailure}

Here the pattern failure(...) catches any record whose label is failure. When an exception is raised but not handled, an error message is printed in the emulator window (standard error), and the current thread terminates. In stand-alone applications the default behavior is that a message is printed on standard error and the whole application terminates. It is possible to change this behavior to something else that is more desirable for particular applications.

1. This rule is approximate, since class methods and patterns bind identifier occurrences
2. In fact the exclamation mark ! can be used in other situation where you want to suppress the introduction of new variables, for example in pattern matching constructs
3. We will now see how input/output is handled later

Seif Haridi and Nils Franz�n
Version 1.4.0 (20080702)